LogoGo Premium?

What does 'Premium' mean?

Releasing the Premium-features will cost you only 9.99 Euro, incl. VAT - per year! This is about the price of two large cups of coffee... For this, you will receive the following additional features:

  • Premium-Styles (Example)
  • Statistics on your website (number of accesses) (Example)
  • The possibility to cancel your website temporarily
  • Continued availability of your website, even after the event date has passed
  • More available tickets, and bulk operations on them

Please send a payment of 9.99 Euro with one of the payment methods listed below.
Important: The payment must include the following data (in the remittance information), so it can be mapped to your website:

  • the ID of your website: This is the last part of your website's URL (e.g. https://5clicks.net/s/style14/style14.php?l=X7mPMmDCsIBCQI1D). It is also stated on your administration page.
  • an email-address so I can contact you, like frank.dux at gmx.de

You will receive an invoice via email. The website will be switched to Premium usually within a day. If it takes too long, please contact me.

Payment methods

Paypal (and credit card)
On this device: Paypal
via QR-code: (with any qr-code scanner)
Bank transfer
Standard payment: IBAN: DE82 1001 1001
2620 8776 16
Account owner: Frank Dux
via Girocode: (certain banking apps recognize this code) Girocode payment

© 2020 Frank Dux